Sunday 22 May 2016

What is happening in virtual culture?

The virtual culture in the digital age has at least three issues which happens in different aspects as follows;


Due to the development of internet and digital age people and organizations or society at large start to engage in the world of business. Organizations start to open the internet social networks like Facebook, email addresses so as to introduce themselves in the world of business by advertising and buying as well as selling products.


In virtual culture people integrate and share views or ideas, this is simply the application of democracy in the digital age or internet. The integration is conducted through blogs, forums and social networks pages which is called the cyber politics or democratization.

              Global culture

Because of the internet now society has the global culture whereby no one has its own culture. There is no multiple culture rather there is one culture which is called the global culture of the society which is in virtual culture of using internet.

                                        Mkessa, Patricia..

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