Friday 27 May 2016


How to Live on a Fixed Income
Fixed incomes are not only for senior citizens. If you or
your spouse have lost a job, are in school, are recovering
from an illness, just had a baby, or have mounds of other
debts, you may be living on a fixed income. Creating a
budget to live on a fixed income will allow you to live
within your means and eliminate spiraling debt.
Step 1
Sit down with your spouse, make a list of each of
your expenses, and set them against your income. Work
together to set a spending budget, and to see where you
can cut your expenses. For example, examine whether you
really need all the premium cable channels, and if you can
take your lunch to work instead of going out. Rent movies
instead of seeing them in the theater. Unplug appliances
when not in use, such as your cell phone chargers and
your microwave. You may be surprised at how much you
can save by taking small steps to cut expenses.
Step 2
Write down every single dollar you spend. Keep a
running list handy, so each time you buy a candy bar,
clothes, gasoline, gifts, coffee, lend a friend $10, etc.,
write it on the list. This will help you to see where each
dollar is going.
Step 3
Set aside money each month for your inflexible core
expenses, such as mortgage or rent, phones, insurance,
installment loans, gas, and electric. These expenses are
your first priority. Other expenses such as food, gasoline,
and entertainment have more wiggle room to adjust, based
on your fixed income.
Step 4
Withdraw cash from the ATM once a week—and only
once a week. Factor spending money into your budget,
and do not make multiple trips to the ATM if you run out
of cash within the week. Don’t think of the ATM as an
endless money tree. Always be aware of how much is in
your bank account by checking your balances online.
Step 5
Use cash or a debit card for all purchases. If you do
not have the cash—do not buy it. In other words, do not
rely on credit cards for purchases. This can easily lead
you down the path of spending outside your budget, and
buying things you cannot afford.
Step 6
Sell or trade in your car if you cannot afford the car
payments. Try to survive with one car, or buy a less
expensive car outright, using the money from the sale of
your car. If that’s impossible, buy a used car with smaller
and shorter car payments. Set an amount you can afford to
pay before going car shopping, and don’t be pressured by
a car salesman who knows nothing about your financial
Step 7
Talk to your spouse about why you are on a fixed
income. One of you should try to bring in extra income
to your household. Get a part-time or second job if your
expenses exceed your income. Take a waitress shift, do
data entry, take a shot at freelance writing or selling your
      By Kingalu Avin
            BAPRM 42697

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