Monday 23 May 2016


The Advantages of Networking

Is it time to grow your circle of business contacts? Learn about what others have to

Offer? Give your office or organization credibility?

Networking in its purest form is simply talking-to people, making connections and developing

Rapport to grow your circle of influence. By developing long-term relationships for mutual

Gain and creating lasting impressions with people you will be learning a life skill which

Have many applications for you both personally and professionally. Business networking should focus the attention on growing your organization and developing two-way dialogues that have benefits to all parties involved. When you network you give and receive.

Here are a few benefits of networking:

1. Information sharing– The depth of knowledge and experience from a group of people can be staggering. Networking will provide many opportunities to ask

Questions and receive feedback. Discussing other points of view really expands your knowledge base, and allows you to see things from a broader perspective. Learning from others “best practices” saves time, energy and resources.

2. Connections– When opportunity“knocks” you want to be in a position to take advantage of it.

Many times there is a need for information-sharing, joint ventures, partnerships, and even needs for services. Having a wide network of individuals to contact may be the difference in seizing the

Moment or missing it completely.

3. Promotion– Whether promoting yourself or your organization, having a large network may assist you in moving your career forward, promoting a new product launch, or driving new members to your organization. “Word of mouth” is still one of the best forms of advertising. Spreading good information about you or your organization may provide leads for career advancement or organization growth.

4. Credibility– Improving your reputation and finding support are also benefits of networking. If you are successful at networking, you might get a reputation for being a person people will want to talk to and get to know. A good reputation leads to support. You may have valuable information, ideas, and resources those in your network may need. Establishing your

Desire to assist a colleague increases your credibility.

                                          Mkessa Patricia

                                             BAPRM 42618

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