Wednesday 1 June 2016


1. Know your audience. Great communicators know exactly who will be sitting in the crowd and will tailor their message to that audience. Make sure you know who will be in the room and where they come from. Speak with the appropriate energy, passion, tone, and language for your audience. Pay attention to the signs of an engaged audience. Look for eye contact, heads nodding in agreement, and other indicators of an actively listening audience.

2. Have a crystal clear focus. What are you trying to get across to your audience? Before you even write your sermon or speech, know the concise answer to this question. If you don’t know, then your audience won’t either. To hit your target, you have to know where you’re aiming. Have a roadmap for where you are taking your audience. Clarity is the key to articulating your points without complexity.

3. Win the hearts of your audience. All of the engaging church leaders and speakers that I have heard won the hearts of their audience members. They are authentic, transparent, and down to earth. Remember that 90% of communication is nonverbal. People more relaxed appear more confident and make their audiences more comfortable. Engage your audience with humor and tell your stories, but remember that clear content is key.

4. Evaluate yourself regularly. Do you evaluate yourself and receive feedback from your church staff on a weekly basis? Are you focused on doing whatever you can to improve your communication? Watch videos of yourself to help improve style and transitions? Be sure to remain open for constructive criticism. Use a tablet or cell phone to record your content, and pay attention to the things that you can improve. Pay attention to facial expressions, repeated words, and the filler words that you continually use out of habit. Once you see yourself speaking, it is far easier to change ineffective behavior.

5. Call people to action. Tell your audience how they can respond. Challenge them with next steps. It is no longer enough to simply educate an audience on a topic. People are looking for more than just an education and inspiration. They want to be moved to behave differently and called into action. Give your audience tangible and obtainable next steps and goals.

6. Be prepared. Speakers that are gifted in captivating the attention of a group are always prepared and have rehearsed in advance. Don’t leave anything to chance, especially since nerves can get the best of you when step in front of your audience. Make sure you practice aloud multiple times so that you are used to the material and can fit it in within your allowed time segment.
By Kingalu Avin
    BAPRM 42697

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